What’s the gift to give this Holiday season that keeps on giving? Your smile.
It has the power to transform your life, as well as anyone around you. It’s good for your health, makes others feel better, and it’s an act that’s more contagious than the flu!
As we rush around to shop for that perfect gift this Holiday season, we just don’t realize that the one gift we can give that offers so much, yet costs nothing, is sharing the gift of our smile. Here’s why “Holiday Gift Smiling” is so special!
1. It’s Good for Your Health – When you’re feeling stressed…smile! Every time you smile it helps to lower your heart rate and your blood pressure. Think of it as nature’s way of coping with life’s stressful moments. In fact, one study concluded that smiling helped people recover faster from situations that caused them stress. Even forced smiles can work wonders too.
2. Your Smile Makes Others Smile Too – Whenever you share a smile, you’re helping to pass it on. Why? Smiling is contagious. And that’s because humans tend to mimic the reaction of other humans. We’re wired that way. Also, when you share a smile with someone else, it’s more difficult for them to react with a frown. Every smile you share has the power to generate many more smiles, and that could make the Holidays brighter for everyone.
3. Your Smile Could be More Pleasant than Chocolate! – Believe or not, a British study determined that one smile could offer the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2000 chocolate bars. And a smile was found to be as stimulating as getting up to $21,000 dollars in cash. Now that’s an impressive gift!
4. Smiling is Good for Your Relationship – Behind every healthy relationship is a smile. The proof comes in a yearbook. One study researched yearbook photos to determine if there was any correlation between how often people smile and the likelihood they’d divorce. Those who smiled were 5 times less likely to be divorced at some point in their life. P.S. Not smiling in your yearbook? Smile more now and make up for lost time!
5. Smiling Can Help You Live Longer – Apparently, the answer comes from the cards. Not Tarot cards, but baseball cards. One study analyzed the baseball card photos of baseball players in 1952. The study confirmed that there was a clear correlation between how big a smile someone made on a baseball card photo and how long they would live. The people who smiled the most turned out to live 7 years longer than those who didn’t.
6. Your Smile Makes Appear More Likeable & Attractive – Share a smile with someone and it makes you appear much more remarkable. Researchers confirmed that when someone smiles, not only do they appear more likable and courteous, but they’re also thought to be more competent. And another study showed that most people determine whether they like, or don’t like, someone within the first 7 seconds of their meeting. Your smile makes a great, long-lasting first-impression!
7. Our World Needs More Smiles – Smiling more could go a long way towards refilling the world’s shortage of smiles. Compared to kids, adults need to work on their smile game. Kids smile on average 400 times a day. And adults? 30% of us smile about 20 times a day, and about 14% less than 5 times a day. For a universal form of communication, that comes with lots of feel good benefits it seems that adults could learn something from kids. It’s never too late to smile more!
The simple act of sharing a little more of your smile over the Holidays can transform you and the world around you. That’s a gift that keeps on giving. Happy Holidays from all of us!
If you want to add a little more wattage of your beautiful smile, our 2 professional take-home whitening treatments will work wonders.
Custom designed to your teeth you can whiten your smile whenever you want, wherever!
Your smile is already makes Bellevue a brighter place to live. But if you want to highlight it for any Holiday gatherings or special events, please don’t hesitate to schedule a teeth whitening consultation with your friendly Bellevue dentist – just call us at (425) 957-4700 or request an appointment online!